News | 3,267 voluntary returns in 2024
Last year, 3,267 persons returned voluntarily to their country of origin.

The year 2024 is firmly in line with the rising trend of recent years: in 2024, the number of people who returned from Belgium to their country of origin increased by 11% compared to 2023, and even by 22% compared to 2022.
The top five countries of origin remain virtually unchanged. Last year, mainly Brazilians, Moldovans, Georgians, Turks and Mongolians returned to their home countries. Brazil is first on the list with 1,000 returnees. It should also be noted that the figures regarding returns to Turkey and Moldova have doubled compared to 2023, mainly due to the high number of arrivals and the low recognition rate of asylum seekers from these two countries.
Profile of the returnees
Around half of the returnees were migrants without a residence permit in Belgium, 23% were asylum seekers and the remaining 28% were persons at the end of their asylum procedure.
Nearly 50% were families, while the remaining 50% were isolated men or women. In addition, 9 unaccompanied minors have voluntarily chosen to return to their country.
Reintegration after the return
Depending on the migrant's personal situation, the Belgian programme offers reintegration assistance in the country of origin. Last year, 76% of the returnees benefited from reintegration assistance. This support enables them to rebuild their lives sustainably in their home countries.
Prior to their departure, the returnees work with a counsellor to develop a realistic plan that meets their needs and takes into account their strengths once they return home: create a business, rent or renovate a home, find a job or reimburse medical costs.
To this end, Fedasil can count on the worldwide network of partners of the IOM and Caritas International.
- You will find all the figures in the attached report (French, PDF)
Return projects from Belgium benefit from European financial support (AMIF fund).