News | A reception network under pressure
Despite the creation of more than 3,000 places in 2023, Fedasil ran out of places to accommodate all asylum seekers.

The year 2023 was again marked by the saturation of the reception network of Fedasil - since 2021, several asylum seekers have found themselves outside the reception network due to a lack of places. The priority for reception is given to the most vulnerable (families, women).
Here is a first overview of the key figures for the year 2023:
- In 2023, the number of asylum applications remained high: almost 35,500 applications were registered in Belgium (-3% compared to 2022). At the same time, Fedasil observes that the departures from the reception centres remain lower than the arrivals due to the extended duration of the asylum procedures. Therefore, the number of persons accommodated by Fedasil increased throughout the year 2023.
- Due to the lack of available places, 8,816 persons could not integrate our reception network the day of their registration in 2023. These persons (isolated men) were invited to sign up on a waiting list and are received subsequently depending on the places available. End of 2023, approximately 3,000 asylum seekers were registered on the waiting list. Several of them are temporarily accommodated in the network for homeless people in Brussels.
- Within this context, Fedasil has sought to rapidly increase its reception capacity to provide shelter to a maximum of persons. Despite several obstacles (the lack of infrastructure, administrative permissions, recruitments...), Fedasil was able to create 3,388 new reception places last year. End of 2023, the network had reached 35,651 reception places.
- Unlike the previous years, we recorded a decrease in the arrivals of unaccompanied minors (UM's) in 2023: 2,744 minors joined the reception network, or -28% compared to 2022.
More info?
- You will find attached some key figures for the year 2023 (in French/Dutch)
- The CGRS has published its 2023 survey regarding asylum
- Eurostat has also published its report Migration and asylum in Europe - 2023