News | New Director General
Pieter Spinnewijn has been appointed as the new Director General of Fedasil. He took office this Monday 1 July.

The Council of Ministers has appointed Pieter Spinnewijn as the new Director General of Fedasil. This is a renewable six-year mandate that started this Monday 1 July 2024.
Pieter Spinnewijn succeeds Michael Kegels, who resigned in September 2022. In the meantime, Fanny François was Director General ad interim.
Pieter Spinnewijn has been working at Fedasil for over 15 years. He has experience in the field, especially at the "Petit-Château" where he has worked as HR manager and director, but also at the Head Office in Brussels. Until yesterday, Pieter was Director ad interim of the Operational Services.
"I take up my function with great enthusiasm," explained the new DG of Fedasil. "The context is difficult given the saturation of our reception network which we have been experiencing for over two years. Yes, the challenges are many, but I'm optimistic. Fedasil can count on committed teams and partners. Together, we will succeed in rediscovering the meaning of our mission: offer reception and quality support to all asylum seekers who are entitled to it!"
Pieter Spinnewijn would also like to acknowledge the work done by Fanny François. "Fanny has brought a lot of serenity to our organisation. Nobody knows Fedasil better than she does. Fedasil has always been able to count on her loyalty, her sense of responsibility and her outstanding commitment. Thank you!"
Fedasil is also pleased to welcome a new Director of the General Services: Christophe Vanderschueren. He is joining the Direction Committee of Fedasil.
Mieke Candaele
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